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A o to galeria fotek nowych i starych mieszkańców


  1. Hi! Thank you for sharing photos! I liked your tank.
    Hope you know English :)

    I am Evgeny from Russia and I will soon build the tank with similar dimensions (100x60x55). Please can you answer couple of questions about your system?
    1) Glass thickness - is it 12mm?
    2) dimensions of webbings (glass strips on the top to make aquarium more solid)?
    3) size of shaft?
    4) diameter of the holes in shaft?
    5) height of the cabinet?
    6) from what material did you make curtains from lamps and how did you attach them to the glass?

    Thank you!

  2. answers,

    ad1. It's optiwhite 10mm with strengthing glass
    ad2. 10mm x 60mm height x 800mm length
    ad3. 32cmx15cm
    ad4. VDL 32 25 25
    ad5. 89cm
    ad6. it's PVC 10m. It stands on glass and additional 3mm ( 10cm height ) PVC on outside of it. I've made ( pvc10mm ) a hook from it
    I've send you photos tomorrow

    no problem :-)


  3. Thank you for the answers!
    Will wait for the foto of the hook for PVC curtains!


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